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Where Passion and Dedication Meet

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Samantha Fish 

President of the Board


Kat Sonnier 

Vice President of Board 

Red Lillies

Jenn Lukenbill

Treasurer of the Board 

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Sarah Shimamoto 

Secretary of the Board

A message from the President 

Thank you so much for visiting our website.  As the President of the Board this has been a dream of mine for some time, I married into law enforcement back in 2011.  The ladies that sit along side of me are also LEO wives that I have met along the way. They are some of my dearest friends.  It is true what they say, the law enforcement community is small and becomes your family.  I am excited for the adventure we are going on together, supporting our boys and girls in blue. 


As a LEO wife, some of the things that bring us comfort are the smallest details.  Hearing the sound of his car pull into the driveway. Watching him his shine his boots to prepare for the next shift. And simply sleeping beside him knowing he is safe. 


There are many nights we spend separated over the years. Holiday celebrations are often celebrated on every other day other than the Holiday.  Raising kids, parent teachers conferences, sports activities we do alone a lot.  And that is okay.. because the hard part is seeing your significant other exhausted and sleep deprived. Coming home to decompress and process terrible things he or she has seen or had to address that shift. When tragedy strikes, we all feel it. When a wildfire breaks out, hours and days go by without a real conversation. It is hi, hello, good morning, good night, be safe, drive safe and always I love you. 


So that got me thinking, how we can support and rally around these selfless community service members. They are out there seven days a week, twenty four hours a day.


Below are some of the ideas on how we hope to support our local law enforcement agencies.  


- Meal deliveries when those long hours strike, holidays or just because. 

- Training seminars

- Safety equipment 

- Funds should one of our own suffer an accident, illness or loss. 


And hopefully we can do so much more to show our support. 


We will post events, fundraisers and news on our social media and website as they come up!


Thank you for your time, consideration and support.  




Your BLUE530 President 


Samantha Fish 






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